Sunday, October 7, 2007

I'm moving to Arizona (October 2006)

I found some pictures from a year ago when I made my decision to move to Arizona.

Time for a party! Traditionally, I choose to have all my parties at Red Robin, but this time I thought I'd try something different. Just kidding, I couldn't go against tradition! (I used to work there back in the ol' days of college as a server.) All my good friends were able to come celebrate my big change...I was moving to Arizona!! It was really nice to be there one last time together.

Paul was threatening to kiss me the whole time...I was nervous again around him. Instead he gave me a gift bag with Hershey Chocolate Kisses and a couple of Kissing books. I was relieved! Sorry, Paul, no kisses for you.

My friends who were able to come (from left to right) were Paul (of course), Trevor (from Springville), Josh (Paul's roommate from AZ--told me to move to the University 6th ward), Eric (Paul's roommate), Latisha (friend from freshman year at BYU-she still has my lamp, I believe), Jon (Paul's cousin), Richardo's girlfriend, and Richardo (from Springeville). I am so grateful to have met and gained friendships with these amazing people during my time in Utah. I could write novels about these wonderful friends, but for now, you'll just have to trust me about how great they truly are.

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