Monday, October 8, 2007

Home Sweet Home

When I moved to Arizona, back in October of 2006, this became my new home. (This still is my home.) I live in Stonebridge Ranch Apartments. It really has been a nice little place to live. I have warmed up the place with a welcome mat at my front door, and some personality inside (thanks to Christi's decorating skills).

My patio overlooks the southern side of Arizona...including the 202 (a great and spacious highway). Actually I don't mind having the highway behind me because I have a great view, and I don't have to worry about snoopy neighbors.

The final picture is of the apartment complex's front pool. Can you believe it...I moved to Arizona and I've only gone swimming once in a year?! It was quite a memorable day at that! I had a short day at work, so I got home sometime in the early afternoon. I noticed people were out at the pool. I couldn't believe people were actually swimming in February...but I guess that's just Arizona for you. So, I thought I'd go for it. I got changed up and headed for the pool. Only a couple of people were in the pool when I got there; most of them were laying out. But, I chose to get in...and boy did I get surprise! The water was pretty chilly! I tried to get adjusted to the water...but I couldn't. It was just too cold. So, now I know that only crazy people go swimming in Arizona in February. Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to go swimming since.

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