Monday, July 14, 2008

My Head's Getting Shaved!

Here are some close-ups of my shaved head and tattooed ear!

I felt them shaving my head in the operating room, but I didn't really think twice about it at that time. The next thing I knew, I was asleep, and then a few minutes later I heard talking again. I thought I'd be taking the hearing test pretty soon, but before I knew it, I was in the recovery room.

In the last two pictures, you can see the bandage on my left arm from the vein extraction. Lightly touching that area is a bit tender. My ear really didn't hurt that bad. I ranked it about a 3-4 on the pain scale. What bothered me most was the fact that I couldn't move. I had to lay on my right side for 4 hours. It was so confining and claustrophobic! I was getting really antsy. My couldn't stop moving my feet. I was also uncomfortable the whole time because I continuously needed to go to the bathroom. I had fluids being pumped up in me all morning. By the time I left the hospital, let's just say, I became a bedpan pro!

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