Tuesday, July 1, 2008

American Idol Tour: Glendale, AZ

Are you ready to hear about the biggest surprise I've ever had in my life? Here goes!

Back in May, I went on this date with a guy named Jason. I met him at speed-dating back in September 2007. He finally asked me out for our first date May 10, 2008. Anyway, on this date, I told him a little about my interests. One of them, at the time, was American Idol. We went to the Pita Jungle and enjoyed some yummy gelato. Then he took me back to my place after lunch. I had him listen to some of my favorite David Cook (a contestant on AI) songs. Jason wanted him to win AI, and I wanted him to win too, but I wasn't quite certain if he would. Anyway, that date was great. I really didn't want it to end. I had so much fun with him. Then he asked me to go with him to the Cure concert (by the way, I will post the pics sometime soon). As time passed by, America voted and we all found out that David Cook won the AI competition! A great surprise...but not the surprise that I was still yet to have!

My co-workers and I always talk about American Idol. We all discussed that we should go see the tour this year together, since they were going to stop in Phoenix. It would be so fun! It just so happened that I had a friend who was going to purchase tickets, so I told her to get some for us. Yeah, we were going to the American Idol Tour!

Sad news. My friend didn't get the tickets. I was so sad. I told my co-workers, and they said we should still check them out to see if there were any good tickets left. We looked, and everything was so far away from the stage or too expensive. We talked ourselves out of going.

A month or so goes by, and then Jason invites me to go with him to a work party the evening of July 1, 2008...which just so happened to be the night AI would be in town. I agreed to go with him, since I wasn't going to go to the concert anyway. He told me I would get to meet his co-worker who looks like Homer Simpson. I was excited to take a picture with him and show my co-workers.

A few more weeks go by, and my friend who originally was going to buy tickets to the concert told me she could get tickets to it, but it would only be available in pairs of seats. I told her I would be really interested in going, but I made prior commitments, so I'd have to think about it. I talked to Jason about it, and he told me to do whatever I'd like to do. I could tell he didn't really want me to go with her, so I told him I would continue to go to his work party. I told my friend I couldn't go.

As the days got closer to the work party, I started to ask more questions about it. Jason told me it would be a BBQ for the holiday. They chose to have it that day because a lot of them would be out of town or have other plans, so that's why it was on a Tuesday night. I also found out that it was going to be at some park in Phoenix, near his work. I was kind of nervous as the time was drawing closer because the weather was getting hotter, and I didn't know how much I would enjoy this party. I was worried I was going to be a sweaty pulp. Anyway...July 1st came.

I was pretty tired after work, but I got off early and hurried home to get ready. I had to look cute, right? I even did my toenails. Jason came to pick me up, and was totally prepared to get me relaxed so I would sleep on the drive to the party. He asked me to get my pillow, and his truck was playing relaxing music. But, I chose not to bring my pillow, and I stayed awake the whole drive. As we were getting closer to Phoenix, and then passing Phoenix, I was beginning to wonder where this park was that he was taking me. I was so hungry, and my stomach was excited to eat soon. Then Jason told me we were going to a park near his "Corporate Building." In my head, I was questioning it because he never told me about this "Corporate Building." But, I didn't question him out loud. Then we were starting to drive into the Glendale city limits. I told him I was right, we were going to Glendale. Then he started driving near the Jobing.com arena and, man, there was something going on there...tons of people! We passed this one spot where I saw a limo, and I said that there must be a prom going on because there are lots of kids and limos. Jason just agreed with me. I told him that there were all kinds of shops around this area. Jason acted like he didn't know about the stores, so he decided to take a detour and check them out. I was wondering why he was doing that because we were already late for the work party by like 30 minutes, and I was getting really hungry. Then I noticed that he passed by the stores and parked in a parking spot. What was he doing? I was so confused. Jason said something like, "You're going to have to wait to meet my co-workers because we're not going to the work party." What? What are you talking about? I'm so confused. Then he told me it was true, for real...we weren't going to the picnic BBQ. Then he asked, "What's going on tonight?" He had to ask me twice before I started to say, "American Idol Concert."

He said, "You're right, we're going to the Amercian Idol Concert!!"

Now that's the biggest surprise of my life!!!

My response: What!!!???? No!!! What??!! I don't believe it! Are you being for real? I don't believe it!!

I think I was pretty much in shock for the whole night. But that wasn't all...

Jason had ear plugs ready for me, and warned me that our seats wouldn't be as good as they were at the Cure concert. I was totally fine with that. Just being at the concert was unreal to me.

I asked Jason what we were going to do about dinner, since I was really hungry. He said we'd just grab something inside. I ended up getting the best tasting turkey sandwich...it was so good! Jason had a hot dog. I guess it wasn't so good. Then we headed to our seats. I was prepared to sit in some pretty bad seats, and I was okay with it. We walked toward a far away section in the arena, and I assumed we were going to sit somewhere around there. But, then before I knew it, he was going down the steps and down some more...WHAT!!! What was he doing? Where was he going? No...what!? He kept going down the steps....to the floor!!! What!!! What!!! What is going on?!! Then he kept walking closer and closer to the stage. I couldn't believe it!!! What is he doing?!! Then he finally paused when we got to the 8th row!!!! All I could think and say was, "I don't believe it....I don't believe it." You're right! He surprised me with not only tickets to the concert, but tickets I couldn't even imagine getting!!! We were totally sitting in the 8th row on the floor of the 2008 American Idol Concert!!!!!

I was in total shock and disbelief. I couldn't believe he totally surprised me like this, and I never even caught on at all this whole time!!! He completely surprised me! I'd have to say this was the greatest surprise I've ever had my entire life. I couldn't believe it! Pretty much the whole night I was in disbelief...but believe me...I enjoyed every moment of it! I didn't want it to end. It was definitely a night to remember...always! I'm so grateful I had my camera on me, and I'm even more grateful Jason is now forcing me to write this on my blog.

By the way, Jason had been plotting this big surprise forever. He totally created many white lies to cover up this great surprise. For example, there was not a work party, there was not a "Corporate Building," there was not a picnic, no park in Phoenix, and plus he agreed with me when I mentioned there must have been a prom or something that night. I found out too, that he wanted me to sleep on the way so he wouldn't have to explain where we were going. Can you believe all that? I don't know about him!

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