Saturday, September 22, 2007

Graham's "Fun Wife"

That's right, after the birthday party was done, Graham turned over to me and asked me if I would like to go bike to the park with Mia. Of course I would...I'm the fun wife!! (Sorry Cara) Graham took me on a challenging bike ride to a park a couple of miles away. It wouldn't have been so hard, but there were some doozie hills. But, I did problem! Graham's definitely the expert, though, especially being able to pull Mia's trailer.

Mia was really excited to go. It doesn't take much to convince her to go outside. When we got to the park, Mia kept busy going up and down the slides. She is such a big girl! She was hesitant at first, but once she went down a slide and knew it was okay, there was no stopping her!

I even got a little crazy and did some front and back flips on one of the bars. I could still do it! It probably didn't look as pretty as the flips I may have done during my gymnastic days, though. But, it was still fun.

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